Fall Fashion blog post.
When I got hired, I decided I should get some pants. The Marlboro uniform needed some intentionality. A little tweak. People like it when they think you've put at least a little effort into your appearance. So I got some new pants. Then, recently, I bought two new sweaters. I decided, Fall's here for sure. Time to bundle up, in a respectable manner. So you might say I have improved my wardrobe considerably since starting this new career path. And I would say I look darn good. I'll be honest about this and tell the American people that I spent $24 per sweater. That's a total of $48 on sweaters alone. The pants ran me $10 at a thrift store on second avenue. Banana republic. Sturdy, respectable chinos. So maybe there was the new flannel I bought out of gluttonous insatiability when it comes to flannels, and we can tack on another $12 just to bring our total spendings since September to $70. I would even be willing to round that to $100 to account for maybe my most recent fedora and anything else I might have forgotten. Now, if I was running for political office, say, vice president, I might consider it a job approximately 1,500 times more important than teaching, and accordingly adjust my garment budget. But what I don't understand is, why aren't people selling Mr. Tote glasses on ebay and Mr. Tote wigs/fake beards for hundreds of dollars? I guess there is an appropriate 1,500 times de-sensationalizing of my life that accompanies me not running for a prominent position. I don't know. I guess I just wish I was getting slightly more recognition for the conservative professional, salt of the earth persona I have cultivated since becoming mildly famous to 120 people. I'm a household name gosh darnit! Why don't they sell household items with that name on them is all I'm really saying.
Well, patience. Patience and good faith.
Report on parent teacher conference night and first scarf day coming next.
THE FUTURE (of books) (Oh.)
I have a really great joke I’ve been telling lately, when someone asks me
what I’m studying in school. First I say, “Oh, I’m getting my masters in
Book Pub...
16 years ago
Would you really change your garment budget if you ran for vice president? Personally, I don't think so.
I would change my garment budget, but I would probably just spend it on food for the needy.
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