Wild and wonderful! Slung down and tore up. Trampled over and under slept. Physically and mentally, just some words to describe it right now. But there's something very comforting about it all. I have no way of making my life comfortable or easy right now. Well then it's not my job to make my life comfortable or easy. I am having a constant out-of-body experience. "There's me," I say, "doing this thing that I could never do." I am aware of several discomforts from time to time, but so what? Life goes on. Life will end. Terrific.
I just have to keep it fed and it will take care of the rest.
My first period of the day is very fortunate. Since it's at 7:30 every morning, it weeds out the ones who don't want to be there, so they don't get in the way of anyone else. So the class is smaller and more receptive. Double whammy. I actually get to go off on tangents about perception and health food and college. Hopefully I can just trim the fat some other way in the other classes. Hopefully without just getting rid of people.
Which reminds me, I have some phone calls to make. Period five is getting its mother called.
Well, yuck for now, I have another appointment to keep.
THE FUTURE (of books) (Oh.)
I have a really great joke I’ve been telling lately, when someone asks me
what I’m studying in school. First I say, “Oh, I’m getting my masters in
Book Pub...
16 years ago
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